Do you have questions?
INTEREST RATES is High. Should I wait?
BTO or Resale HDB which is better choice for us?
My EC is going to MOP, should I sell now or wait further?
Resale, Subsale or New launch? What are the difference?
What can I afford?
What is the valuation of my property now and how can I sell at the highest price for a profit?
What should I buy after selling?
How to Spot a Profitable Project and Unit?
For anyone who are serious about their property result in Singapore.
We aim to provide the best support system; matching your needs using right data analysis, 3 step CPD approach and 10 fundamentals to make a SAFE & RIGHT decision.
Crucial Property Decisions
From Singles to Newly Wed & Parents
As a couple, we have an ever evolving needs in property as our life stage changes. Be it our first home as a Bachelor, for a newly wed couple, expanding family with infant to primary school kids or buying a home with elderly in mind, we have done it all.
We have bought and invested, owning 3 properties in Singapore currently. We made clear plans on how to own multiple properties to achieve financial freedom as our retirement plans.
We are consultants to our clients who seek advice on property investment as well as on property they can call a home.
We provide data and analysis to guide our clients to understand Singapore property and how to leverage on the correct information to make an informative choice that will align to their property goals.
Building assets using property can be a very easy and stress free process if you know how to.
Find out exactly how we are able to help our clients.